Disgaea 5 Alliance of Vengeance, A Curry Adventure (PS4/Switch)

Démarré par Sprite Oddity, Septembre 02, 2014, 02:41:46 PM

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CitationNippon Ichi Software : "If Disgaea 5 doesn't sell as planned then we might not still be in business the year after. Even though Bloodborne is now releasing the same day, we really hope people will pick up both titles at once."

Et ils misent sur 150K :sweat: J'ai presque envie de le prendre en japonais juste histoire de... parce que ce serait une perte énorme de voir disparaître NIS et NISA.


On va faire une campagne pour NIS !
On achète combien d'exemplaires chacun ???


Y'a pas un peu trop de ouinouin dans cette déclaration ?

samizo kouhei


Citation de: pippoletsu le Décembre 10, 2014, 03:25:17 PM
Y'a pas un peu trop de ouinouin dans cette déclaration ?

Je ne pense pas. Surtout qu'en plus des déclarations des dirigeants qui allaient déjà en ce sens, il y a eu des signes avant-coureurs : Disgaea 3 et 4 étaient offert dans l'offre PS+ de septembre en même temps que le TGS et l'annonce de Disgaea 5, les précédents titres (Disgaea 1 PSP...) ont tous été soldé fortement ces dernières semaines... ça ne sent malheureusement pas bon.

Sprite Oddity

Citation de:  NIS AmericaHey doods! Just going to jump in and drop this here for your edification since there seems to have been a misunderstanding as things were lost in translation.

As is very typical of him, Mr. Niikawa's original statements in Japanese were in jest, which unfortunately doesn't quite come across when taken out of context and in translation.

Mr. Niikawa's original comment during a live interview with Nico Nico was actually that he might be fired, however, this was somehow turned into the below comment by a Japanese blogger.
We asked Mr. Niikawa to clarify and he said that the correct spirit and translation of the comment is, "If Disgaea 5 does not sell as planned, I, as the producer, might need to leave the Japanese gaming industry. (LOL)"

Mr. Niikawa further adds, "This comment was simply self-deprecating humor and in no way did it mean or imply that Nippon Ichi Software as a company is going bankrupt or is in financial difficulties. I was merely trying to use humor in order to get the point across that we are committed to selling 150,000 copies of Disgaea 5."

Hopefully that calms some of your concerns. We're planning to be around and bringing fun titles to the West for a long while yet!



Vive les mauvaises trads !


CitationNIS President: 'PS Vita Version of Disgaea 5 is Impossible'

Sohei Niikawa : ...I know that there are many consumers who would like this. However, we are developing the game with PlayStation 4 specs, so to be honest, it's impossible to port the game to the PlayStation Vita. Porting the game without erasing a lot of features and cutting down the amount of assets would be very difficult, and of course, we do not wish to do that. I think there are people waiting for a "Return" version with all of the contents [and DLC] included, but I'm sorry, that will not happen this time. (laughs) If we were to port the game to a portable system, fans would probably have to wait for the next portable system after the Vita, but I haven't heard anything about this [system], so that would be far in the future. Disgaea 5 will have Remote Play. Do not wait for a PS Vita port, and please, play the PlayStation 4 version.


Nooooon :( C'est tellement mieux sur portable un T-RPG.

samizo kouhei

Il ne veut sans doute pas déjà parler d'une version Vita alors que la version PS4 n'est pas encore sortie. De toute façon, je doute que la Vita survive encore assez longtemps pour l'éventualité d'un remake dans 2 ans minimum.


Annoncé pour fin 2015 en Europe cette nuit par NISA.

Amazon le liste pour le 6 octobre :

Toujours en période de fin d'année ou c'est "chargé". Je me demande à quel point c'est calculé.

samizo kouhei



Les ventes du titre la première semaine au Japon :

Citation13./00. [PS4] Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance <SLG> (Nippon Ichi Software) - 22.725 / NEW

Ouch :sweaf:
