Crimson Dragon

Démarré par Hobes, Juin 01, 2012, 01:41:06 AM

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Je le récupère dans 2 semaines. Ca va être :leuv:

Jaymz j'espère que toi aussi t'as préco :o



Mon frère l'a et il le ramène pour la sortie. Impossible de rater la sortie d'un Panzer Dragoon quand même


ben si, quand on a pas kinect :tanpi:


Achètes Kinect d'occaz, et revends le au même prix une semaine plus tard :o


CitationLe rail-shooter Kinect Crimson Dragon a visiblement décidé de se faire désirer. En effet, pourtant prévu pour le 13 Juin au Japon, le titre du studio Grounding Inc. a été repoussé à une date ultérieure, sans plus de précision. Ce successeur spirituel des Panzer Dragoon (sous la coupe du même chef-développeur) n'avait aucune date de sortie occidentale, mais on ose tout de même croire qu'on ne sera pas mis à l'écart..


c'est pour rajouter une maniabilité à la manette :cool:


ENFIN DES NEWS :leuv: :leuv: :leuv:

La démo est apparue sur le Live Jap (et a été retiré rapidement). J'espère que ça signifie que le jeu arrive.



Je ne veux pas acheter la console rien que pour ce jeu :cry2:



Il - me - faut - une - Xbox - One - maintenant - tout - de - suite - et - que - j'arrête - d'écrire - comme - ça - c'est - ridicule.


CitationIf you're like me, you probably have quite a fondness for classic rail shooters like Star Fox 64, Rez, and Panzer Dragoon. That last one in particular is important, because Crimson Dragon is ostensibly a spiritual successor to Sega's incredible series of adventures.


Crimson Dragon is broken up into two distinct sections. First you have your traditional rail shooter levels, where the game takes care of steering your character while you only have to worry about moving your reticule around the screen, tagging various enemies, and unleashing a barrage of devastating projectiles. The two traditional levels I played were quite fun, and unfolded with a welcome bit of cinematic flair that brought a nice amount of tension to each moment.

The other half of the game takes place in open free-flight levels. These massive spaces give you full control over your dragon, much like some of the boss encounters in Star Fox 64. The stage I played tasked me with taking down an absolutely gigantic enemy dragon in a set amount of time. Flying around the city-sized beast, surveying its weak points and attack patterns, then eventually making a series of quick strikes was a joy.

One thing Crimson Dragon definitely won't do is wow you with visuals that scream "next gen." The game was originally set to be a 360 title, and though it doesn't look bad by any stretch of the imagination, it's certainly not going to win any beauty pageants. But while the tech might be a bit lacking, the dragon design is quite neat. Each of the creatures has a distinct, fantastical, and often terrifying look to them, especially some of the more massive beasts that dwarf your airborne buddy.


Also speaking of what Crimson Dragon was originally supposed to be, I'm grateful that Microsoft has removed a majority of the Kinect features from the game. Crimson Dragon was originally slated to be controlled via motion gestures, much like how you could play Child of Eden back in 2011. Since this feels so much like a throwback to a classic genre, I'm personally glad that they decided to keep a more traditional mode of play and allow us to use the Xbox One controller instead.

Playing about an hour of Crimson Dragon also got me thinking if this $20 digital release is indicative of the future of the AA game. Are things like this and Powerstar Golf, two games that are bigger than indies but smaller than AAA blockbusters, going to become standard in this upcoming console generation? I for one would love to see this trend continue, but only time will tell.

Les premières minutes du jeu :


C'est Panzer Dragoon et du Rez oui.
Faudra voir pad en main.


L'article que j'ai posté est là pour ça :nerd: Ils expliquent que le feeling est là. Mais qui en doutait ?

Bak' quand t'auras la One tu m'invites ? :o