— Topic Wii U : On s'était donné rendez-vous dans 2 ans

Démarré par Hobes, Juin 12, 2012, 11:29:38 PM

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Tu vas bientot changer le nom de ton site, tu va l'apeller :


Ces soirées la ! HaHann HaHann ! On lève les bras, Kinect, tu sais pourquoi.



Finalement il n'y aura peut être d'online unifié 3DS/WiiU :

Citation"Nintendo has already announced the Nintendo Network as a unified 'network platform' that delivers current and future online services to the Nintendo 3DS system and the upcoming Wii U console. These services include, but are not limited to, multiplayer online game play and the ability to download both add-on content and full games that are also available as packaged software. Further details on these services will be revealed at a later date.

"However, there is no current announcement concerning a unified online 'account system' between Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, which suggests payment implications that Nintendo is not ready to confirm at this time. We hope this clarifies any misunderstanding."


Non mais sérieusement :clfronce:


Evidemment que tout le monde veut F-Zero.

Sinon :

Citation"[Wii U is] definitely more powerful than Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3," said 5th Cell CEO Jeremiah Slaczka. "It's kind of frustrating to see the rumors and speculation of people going back and forth saying it's weaker or more powerful. It's definitely more powerful."

"I think we were one of the first developers to see the Wii U," added Slaczka. "Nintendo came to our studio and demoed it to us. A couple of weeks later Warner Bros. got to see it, and we said we should do this. This game was originally a Wii title but later moved to Wii U. It's been about two years in development."



CitationRumor: Nintendo indicates New Super Mario Bros. Wii U won't be a launch game

You have have heard Nintendo of America's Kit Ellis say in this video that the platformer will be available "not too long after launch". Does that mean it won't be releasing on day one?

Right now I'm inclined to believe that this was an error. Even the top brass at Nintendo such as Reggie Fils-Aime have talked about the importance of having a brand new Mario when a new console arrives. We'll have to see how this rumor plays out.


Comment se tirer une balle dans le pied... j'espère pour eux que ce n'est pas vrai.




Sur la DS y avait Super Mario 64, sur Gamecube Luigi's mansion :o

Mais je parlais surtout du fait qu'il y a toujours un titre Nintendo assez "fort" au lancement. Là y aura rien de rien, comme sur 3DS, on se rappel de ce qu'il est advenu de la console les premiers mois...


Un remake et un spinoff dont tout le monde se branle ça compte pas.


New Super Mario Bros. Wii U étant quasiment un remake du premier, ça compte ? :nerd:



CitationSonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will be available on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, the Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo's Wii U, and Windows PC Digital Download this November.

Est-ce qu'on peut en déduire que la Wii U sortira en novembre ?


Non, mais que le jeu sera dans son line up de sortie, oui.


Il sort en Novembre sur PS360. Les autres versions sortent plus tard.