Microsoft : Be what's next

Démarré par Hobes, Juin 18, 2012, 06:18:12 PM

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Citation de: Hobes le Octobre 24, 2012, 11:00:43 AM
Mais osef de la version RT. L'unique version c'est la pro. L'autre c'est une tablette lambda vendue trop chère et on le sait depuis l'annonce...

La pro sera aussi bien trop chère.


S'ils avaient la pro, "Weak ecosystem" n'a pas de sens alors ... t'as toutes les applis windows de base.

Sinon AnandTech :


Citation de: Gmooron le Octobre 24, 2012, 11:03:13 AM
S'ils avaient la pro, "Weak ecosystem" n'a pas de sens alors ... t'as toutes les applis windows de base.

Sinon AnandTech :

CitationWe ran two blind tests, pitting the Surface RT against a third-generation Retina Display iPad. Both tablets were side by side in a room with ambient light from large windows. We cranked the brightness all the way up and hid the devices behind a sheet of heavy cardboard with two holes of equal size cut into it, so viewers could only see the screens. We then asked members of Wired's staff to come in and judge for themselves, without knowing which device they were viewing.
In our video test, running an HD version of The Avengers, twice as many viewers preferred the Surface to the iPad (six to three). Two others expressed no preference. Most noted that the difference in video quality was negligible.
Text was an entirely different story.
We pulled up a page from The New York Times' website that had multiple typefaces and an image, and allowed testers to zoom in or out and scroll the screens up and down to each person's comfort level. It was a blowout. Every single person expressed a preference for the iPad display. In most cases, a strong one. Multiple people described it as "no contest."
This discrepancy between video and text is reflected in its hardware in another way as well. The Surface's 10.6-inch display has a 16:9 aspect ratio. That's fantastic for watching movies when it's in landscape mode (just like a movie theater!) when the video makes full use of the screen. It's really an enjoyable experience, all the more because of the kickstand, which frees you up from having to hold the tablet while you watch.

Une tablette où les textes sont pénibles à lire :/


Donc l'ipad 1 et 2 etait horrible a lire ?
Non parce que si on suit apple, le new ipad etait une "revolution" dans ce sens ... admettons que ce soit vrai. il faudrait comparer le surface a un ipad 2 en confort de lecture  ...


C'est le test d'une version RT pippo :

CitationMicrosoft is making two distinct versions of the Surface available: the $499 (and up) Surface with Windows RT, which runs a scaled back version of Windows for ARM chipsets, and the yet-to-be-released Surface with Windows 8 Pro, a full-on, Intel-based Windows machine with all the power you'd expect from a modern laptop. I've been tasked with reviewing the former, a product which competes in both price and functionality with the iPad and higher-end Android tablets.

Et je maintien que c'est de la merde comme je le dis depuis le début, pourtant elle a 7/10 sur un site pro-Apple comme The Verge.

La version Pro sera sans doute également trop cher mais on paiera pour la nouveauté et la qualité comme on le fait quand on achète un Sony Vaio hors de prix.


J'ai pas à me plaindre de mon iPad 2 pour le net ou pour la lecture :miyamoto:
Comme je n'ai jamais utilisé la Surface, à mon niveau iPad 2 > Surface :miyamoto:


Oui mais la tu sors la phrase ou ils comparent le texte entre ipad 3 et surface, et tu conclus "Ouais donc en fait c'est horrible de lire sur la surface", alors qu'on en sait rien ...

On sait juste que c'est moins plaisant que sur l'ipad 3.


Ce qui est honteux, sachant que l'iPad 3 est déjà dépassé :sweat:


Citation de: Hobes le Octobre 24, 2012, 11:13:21 AM
C'est le test d'une version RT pippo :

CitationMicrosoft is making two distinct versions of the Surface available: the $499 (and up) Surface with Windows RT, which runs a scaled back version of Windows for ARM chipsets, and the yet-to-be-released Surface with Windows 8 Pro, a full-on, Intel-based Windows machine with all the power you'd expect from a modern laptop. I've been tasked with reviewing the former, a product which competes in both price and functionality with the iPad and higher-end Android tablets.

Et je maintien que c'est de la merde comme je le dis depuis le début, pourtant elle a 7/10 sur un site pro-Apple comme The Verge.

La version Pro sera sans doute également trop cher mais on paiera pour la nouveauté et la qualité comme on le fait quand on achète un Sony Vaio hors de prix.

8,8 pour Win8 quand même pour des pro-Apple...


Mais ils sont pas pro-Apple, c'est le pire.

Bon sinon c'est assez cool, le store W8 est en train de doucement se réveiller.


Les prix de la surface pro sont sortis :ofou: (pas de lien, je suis sur mon tel)



· 64GB standalone version at $899
· 128GB standalone version at $999
Both versions will both include a Surface pen with Palm Block technology and include the ability to use a Touch Cover or Type Cover (sold separately).

On the inside, Surface with Windows 8 Pro will come with Intel's next generation Core i5 processor. This chip will give Surface with Windows 8 Pro a graphics boost for its 10.6" 16:9 ClearType display that runs at a 1920x1080 full HD resolution. Surface with Windows 8 Pro also includes a full-size USB 3.0 port. Its Mini DisplayPort can drive an external display up to 2560X1440 resolution.
