Les projets de Molyneux et 22cans

Démarré par Ryle, Août 27, 2012, 07:00:40 PM

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Après Curiosity : What's in the cube :

Voici Cooperation :

CitationAnd 22Cans is already working on its next game, another experiment that Molyneux calls Cooperation.


"Cooperation is very, very different, maybe it's not a game, or maybe you'd call it a social game," he said. "If you think of (Curiosity) being the biggest mystery posted to the digital world, Cooperation is the biggest cooperative effort the world has ever known."

While Molyneux declined to detail the upcoming game, he did say it would be competitive in nature and noted that he's always found Tug of War to be an interesting social experiment.



Pour ceux qui ont une heure devant eux ainsi qu'un iPhone dernière génération (ou un iPad), vous pouvez peut-être donner un coup de main à Peter qui cherche des gens pour donner leur avis sur le jeu (Curiosity) :



CitationA new update for Peter Molyneux's Curiosity app includes a tool to to re-grow its cube via the purchase of chipped-away cublets.

You can buy blocks of cublets in varying amounts for varying prices. £0.69 will add 10,000 cublets. £4.99 adds 100,000 and £7.49 adds 500,000.

You can also remove the same numbers of cublets for the same amounts, creating what Molyneux hopes will become a "war of attrition".

"We don't know quite what will happen," Curiosity developer 22Cans explained in a new statement found within the app. "Curiosity may very well rapidly degrade to reveal its innermost secret or maybe the effects of automatically removing cubelets will be neutralised by players keen to keep Curiosity going."

Looking into the system more closely, it appears that the sum of cublets to be removed and added is applied to the next layer of the cube to be revealed.

So far, users have paid to remove 13,780,000 cublets and add another 4,680,000, for a total difference of -9.1 million cublets on the next layer.

The experiment is now 164 days old. During that time, 260 layers have been hammered off.

The new features will be deactivated two layers before the end of the cube.


Mais :mdr:



J'espère vraiment que le gagnant nous dira ce qu'il y avait dans ce cube qu'on reste pas sur notre faim.


Le cube est fini.
Le gagnat sera le "Dieu" de Godus et peut décider de certaines mécaniques du jeu + apparemment, il recevra un pourcentage sur les achats dans Godus.



Je m'attendais à être déçu mais en fait c'est une récompense tout à fait satisfaisante dans l'absolue.

C'est con par contre que ce soit tombé sur un gamin de 18 piges qui a téléchargé le jeu le jour J et pas un fan des oeuvres de Molyneux parce que je sens qu'il va faire un piètre Game Master (mais ne présumons de rien évidemment).

CitationThe fate of an entire community of players will be contingent upon the whims of a single person. As Godus evolves after its release, an entire world of players may come to develop relationships with Henderson based on his control over them. Will he be loved, or hated? How much of this will spill over into Henderson's personal life?

