Au comptoir du (insert) coin : vos jeux du moment

Démarré par Ashura, Mai 11, 2012, 02:40:41 PM

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Nintendo a déjà vendu ses licences et va mourir.


C'est stratégique, avec l'échec de la WiiU Nintendo n'a plus de quoi se payer un avocat et n'intentera donc pas de procès :oo


Ca y est, j'ai mon armure ultime dans Terraria (et elle me sert à rien) :fou: J'attends le patch maintenant, à défaut de pouvoir continuer sur mon monde actuel je pourrai réutiliser mon perso ce qui me permettra de revenir au niveau où j'en étais assez vite vu que les premiers boss seront une formalité.

Vais sûrement enchaîner sur un autre jeu Vita, à voir lequel.



Je sais absolument pas à quoi jouer là :chirac:
BD, Trail in the Sky, Ys Origins...




Comme j'étais déprimé à l'idée d'abandonner Memories of Celceta hier soir, j'ai fait mon jeu doudou, j'ai onelifé Castlevania version eshop :nerd:


On a rien dit pendant le podcast mais cette semaine, ya quand même Simon's Quest qui est sorti sur l'e-shop Wii U et 3DS. 
La nuit qui tombe :leuv:
Les dalles que tu traverses même si elles sont visibles :leuv:
Le diamant comme arme :leuv:
Le recul horrible quand tu prends un coup :leuvkad:


CitationShares in Nintendo tumbled by nearly a fifth in opening trading on Monday as investors responded to the Japanese company's warning that it no longer expected to turn a profit this financial year.

The Kyoto-based company announced late on Friday that it had cut its net profit forecast of Y55bn ($527m) in the year to March to a net loss of Y25bn, as sales of its Wii U games console and the 3DS handheld unit fell well short of global targets.
A big dip in software sales was inevitable. The previous forecast of 38m Wii U titles, for example, was cut in half.
After briefly failing to trade due to a large number of sell orders, Nintendo shares fell as much as 19 per cent in opening action.

The stock closed down 6.1 per cent at Y13,745. Amid the smartphone boom of the past few years, executives at Nintendo have stuck to the basic model that defined the modern gaming industry: sell hardware cheaply, or even at a loss, then make money back through sales of software. But that model now looks broken. The peak Christmas season was a "disaster", says Serkan Toto, a gaming industry consultant based in Tokyo. "A radical new beginning is the only way out."
Analysts offer several reasons for the net loss, which is only the second in Nintendo's 52 years as a public company, coming just two years after the first. It certainly does not help that the Wii U – a console with a tablet-like controller, launched to great fanfare in 2012 – is now up against newer, faster models from Sony (PlayStation 4) and Microsoft (Xbox One). Global sales of the Wii U this fiscal year should come in at 2.8m, the company said, down from an earlier forecast of 9m.
But the core problem is that the world's largest games-machine maker has been hurt by the big shift to mobile devices. Casual gamers are abandoning specialised hardware in favour of playing on phones and tablet computers, on which titles can be downloaded at a fraction of the cost.
It is high time Nintendo opened up too, say some, by letting its much-loved characters such as Mario, Pikachu and Link, the hero of the Legend of Zelda series, run free on mobile devices, either by selling games directly or by licensing them to other developers.
President Satoru Iwata hinted at such a move on Friday, saying that the group was "thinking about a new business structure." Nintendo is due to hold a strategy event on January 30, a day after its third-quarter results.
"Given the expansion of smart devices, we are naturally studying how smart devices can be used to grow the game-player business," he said.
Until now Nintendo has resisted, dismissing smartphone games – often offered for free, with payment for add-ons – as short-term money spinners that destroy long-term value.

Presenting the group's last quarterly results in October, Mr Iwata put up a stout defence of the 3DS device, which still entrances knots of school boys on trains and in bus shelters all over Japan.
Domestic sales of more than 5m 3DS units for two consecutive years do not fit the "hypothesis" that "smart devices will replace dedicated gaming systems", he argued.
And David Gibson, a Tokyo-based analyst at Macquarie, notes that total global sales of the 3DS this year should be only slightly down from last year, from just under 14m to 13.5m, with software units up a third to 66m.
"It's Wii U that is the problem," he says.
But many say a shift to mobile is overdue, all the same.
When the market capitalisation of Nintendo, 125 years old this year, was briefly surpassed last May by GungHo Online, a little-known developer of the hit mobile game, Puzzle & Dragons, it should have sent a signal to management, says Atul Goyal, an analyst at Jefferies in Singapore.
For now, Nintendo's suspicion of mobile is making a lot of investors wary.
Before Friday's profit warning, just four of 20 analysts ventured a "buy" rating, putting Nintendo among the two-dozen least popular stocks among the Nikkei 225.
"When they say 'no mobile' what they mean is, they don't want to see Mario on a $30 Android phone from Shenzhen with bad resolution and a bad touch screen," says Mr Toto.
"But ultimately Nintendo will be not able to resist. Smartphones and tablets are just too powerful now – they're just in too many hands."

Enorme taule quand même là, Noel a donc bien été catastrophique et même la 3DS n'a pas atteint ses objectifs avec pourtant un lineup comme on en a peut-être jamais vu en 2013.

Le prochain Yoshi à 0,99e sur Android.


Citation de: pippoletsu le Janvier 20, 2014, 09:24:38 AM
Comme j'étais déprimé à l'idée d'abandonner Memories of Celceta hier soir, j'ai fait mon jeu doudou, j'ai onelifé Castlevania version eshop :nerd:
En cbien de temps?


Comme je veux vraiment le faire en une seule vie, j'ai fait 3-4 tentatives, mais c'était plié en 2h en gros...
C'est pas du speed run, hein, j'y vais tranquillou, c'est mon doudou quoi ^^


Citation de: pippoletsu le Janvier 19, 2014, 10:00:41 PM
Je sais absolument pas à quoi jouer là :chirac:
BD, Trail in the Sky, Ys Origins...

Bravely Default, comme ça tu profiteras encore de la petite émulation autour du titre avec des gens qui en parlent et non tout seul.


J'approche de la fin à Mass Effect 3.
Un truc que j'ai pas compris, c'est l'engouement autour de la mission à Tuchanka, vous m'aviez tellement hypé que je m'attendais à un truc de fou.

Ca serait bien que ça me fasse l'inverse pour la fin. :nerd:


L'action est bien remontée quand même... Elle est passée de-18 à-6 là. Mais ça fait pas rêver quand même...


Ne vous inquiétez pas, selon NeoGaf, il y a du lourd qui arrive...

CitationI dunno where to post these following informations and please take it with an grand of salt, but according to a source of mine:

-Nintendo is working for several years on a new System. Not just a gaming system.

-Nintendo Direct is planed for this upcoming week = Mario kart 8 release date, Super smash bros release date, two new game announcements.

-Pokken is real. Pokemon/Tekken. Release date set for September 2014.

-Two Metroid games in development. One almost finished. Releasing Oktober 2014.

-ZeldaU is releasing Holiday 2014. Much darker and mature - u can feel the spirt of majoras mask in it.

-Japanese third partys are gathering closer around Nintendo. New exclusive deal and ips are going to be revealed.

-we are going to see at least 3 old long anticipated franchises from Nintendo this year

-New miyamoto ip. Only information is that there is no information. Kept very secret.

-eshop and retail games are getting cheaper

-Nintendo is going to drop some huge game changing suprises.

Well like i said, take it with a grand of salt, but according in what position my source is working, it seems really trustworthy.

Du gros believe basé sur d'anciennes rumeurs donc bon.  :sarcastic:
On sera vite fixé avec ce probable Nintendo Direct cette semaine.