Below : Explore, survive, discover and die (PC/One)

Démarré par Hobes, Juin 11, 2013, 05:45:16 PM

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Explore / Survive / Discover

- Le site officiel :

Tout simplement mon coup de coeur de l'E3. Par les développeurs de Sword & Sorcery qui était très plaisant. On retrouve cette ambiance si particulière mais le fait de ne pas se limiter au tactile change complètement la donne. On est dans un "vrai" jeu avec des mécaniques un peu plus complexe que du glisser déposer. Je l'attends de pied ferme.



Il y a un français dans l'équipe. Je ne sais pas si tu connais glen : Sylvain Coutouly

Y a de jolis illustrations sur son blog (pas en rapport avec le jeu par contre) :ünchhausen

C'est pas multi, c'est une exclu Xbox one.


Ah il me semble avoir déjà vu ses anciens travaux sur des forums ricains, mais il a bien évolué depuis :oo


Citation de:ünchhausen le Juin 11, 2013, 06:02:54 PM
C'est pas multi, c'est une exclu Xbox one.

Yep pour te faire plaisir je change la catégorie. Maintenant Capy a de fortes racines PC donc on peut envisager (espérer) que ça arrive sur PC avec 6 mois/1 an de retard.


Pour ceux qui ont cru que Below avait été acheté à la hâte par Microsoft et mis en avant à la dernière minute, réponse des intéressés :

CitationWhat XBLA has done for indies shouldn't be underestimated, says Capy co-founder Nathan Vella. He goes on to describe his contacts at Microsoft as "people who are as excited about your stuff as you are."

"It sounds super-lame to say, but like you need people to believe in you, you need those champions, people who are going to fight for your vision for you, or else," he tell us. "And we got that."

Indeed, Vella says that the fact a game like Below was even shown on stage at E3 reflects how the industry is evolving, and that Microsoft is wary of that. "I really am super-appreciative of having people like our producers all the way to Phil [Spencer] fighting to announce our game that way, when it's not the easiest sell. They showed our game on-stage, and our game is very... I mean it's a fuckin' sword-and-shield videogame, it's gamey, it's coming at it from a very different perspective and trying to speak to a subset of Xbox gamers. We're not trying to make this crazy mass market game."

So what's it like, we ask, for a small studio to be thrust into the limelight like this? "Fuck, yeah... I mean that's what we want," says Vella. "It's very exciting obviously. We believe in our studio and our ability to make stuff that is rad. I mean it sounds silly, but that's what we want, that's what we shoot for. I'm very appreciative and a lot of people we work with at Microsoft did a lot of work to make that happen, but at the same time I think that it deserved to be there."

This wasn't a last-minute decision on Microsoft's part, either. Vella says his studio was among the first to develop for Xbox One. "There was a point in time where I was like: how many actual developers are making Xbox One titles? That's how early on I felt like we were ushered into it. It's not an easy thing to do, to like get in early on a new console."


CitationDeep, deep down: Exploring Capybara's Xbox One-exclusive roguelike Below

Simply put, Below is an action roguelike. It's portrayed from a top-down perspective and features real-time combat, permadeath, and randomly generated locales. In keeping true to the best of the genre's entries like The Binding of Isaac and Spelunky, Below will be hard. Very hard. But it'll also be fair.

"Below is our love-letter to roguelikes of yore, and to games that were about very difficult almost harsh combat that's very fair," explained Vella as we chatted about his game sitting in a carpeted hallway at E3's Los Angeles convention center. "Once you become familiar with the combat and the way that it works, anytime you die it will be be your fault, not the game's fault."

Harkening back to the old days, Below will offer new players no guidance whatsoever. "It's very much about exploration [and] aesthetics," Vella tells me. "There's no text in the game. There's no tutorials. There's no anything. There's no hand-holding. It's about learning in a lot of ways. It's about even exploring the combat system. I mean you're in the game exploring, but part of exploring is trying to figure out how to use your sword and your shield and your bow."

As you'd likely expect, combat plays a crucial role in Below. What's perhaps less expected is how minimalist it will be. While the game will contain a plethora of weapons, you'll never be able to carry more than two weapons and a shield at the same time. "You have a primary weapon and a defensive weapon and you can have one other weapon on your back. It's about knowing when to be defensive, knowing when to have your shield up, knowing when to attack and when to dodge."

"This is not a loot-grab have-a-treasure-chest-strapped-to-your-back type game. It's about giving people a chance to learn the combat."

Given Below's streamlined systems, I ask how Capybara will prevent this simple combat design from getting boring. "With the simplicity comes the opportunity for a tonne of depth. It's about exploring a very tight [move]set as deep as we can," Vella explains. "I think complexity is actually less engaging than simplicity, especially in combat systems."

"Don't get me wrong, I love me some Torchlights," he adds, "but you rarely get time to spend with a weapon because you have 10 new ones within the bat of an eye."

"You're not going to be stuck with the same weapon or anything like that. For us it's about saying, 'do you want to play with a sword and a shield, or do you want to play with a two-handed weapon, or do you want to be a ranged-type person? What if you're ranged and you're getting swarmed? How will you deal with that?'"

As he's explaining the simple yet deep combat system, I'm reminded of the two-button combat in both Punch-Out!! and Zelda 2. When I ask if it's anything like that, Vella says that he was actually inspired by a different Zelda game: Wind Waker.

"We use Wind Waker a lot [for inspiration], because Wind Waker is really about the one-on-one scenarios in combat rather than smashing stuff about," he explains. "Link has this set of tools, and in every situation you get into you learn very quickly how to use that set of tools. From there you can branch out into what other weapons are better for this scenario."

Still trying to wrap my head around it, I ask if it'll be anything like Monster Hunter where your great sword takes several seconds to swing, but as you become more adept at the fighting system and learn the enemies' tells you can adapt to the ridiculously sluggish controls. Vella laughs "Monster Hunter and I don't get along," and says that Below is "like the super-responsive version of that."

Qui peut encore douter du jeu énorme que ça va être ?


Citation de: Hobes le Juin 12, 2013, 10:59:13 AM
Yep pour te faire plaisir je change la catégorie. Maintenant Capy a de fortes racines PC donc on peut envisager (espérer) que ça arrive sur PC avec 6 mois/1 an de retard.

Et ça a été confirmé :

CitationLike many games on stage at E3, Below will be available on the Xbox One first. Then, after a period of time, CAPY can bring it elsewhere. It's always been this way.

We've said it many times before, but it is worth repeating: working with Microsoft Studios has been great, and they deserve real kudos for putting our dreamy roguelike-inspired game of exploration and discovery in the spotlight at E3... and we are certain they'll continue to do more of that going forward. This clarification is about answering our fans, and shouldn't reflect negatively on Microsoft or Xbox One – they've been the biggest CAPY supporters out there (and also lets face it: Titanfall and Halo are going to be crazy delicious game magic). The Xbox 360 has been a great home for marquee downloadable games, and we believe this is something that will continue, and grow, over the years on Xbox One.

Sinon le multi, avec tous les infos qu'on a eu de GameInformer, dont le passage qui suit :

CitationNontraditional multiplayer: If you watch the trailer closely, you can see more than one wanderer. You don't come together and start questing. Some parts are only influenced by your own progress, while others happen depending on the progress all the players make. "You just play the game and once in a while multiplayer things happen. You don't have to worry about it. You just go in and start playing. You're exploring and all of a sudden you might find yourself not quite alone in the depths."

Je verrais bien un mélange de Journey et Demon's/Dark Souls :

Les niveaux sont générés aléatoirement. Lorsqu'on change de "niveau" ce serait envisageable de synchroniser deux zones aléatoires entre deux joueurs. Ainsi on ferait apparaître ces deux mêmes joueurs (ou plus) sans qu'ils le sachent à chaque coin de la map et au fur et à mesure de la progression, ils se croiseraient de manière fortuite. Ensuite soit ils s'entraident pour vaincre des ennemies un peu coriace et échanger de façon très minimaliste (comme Journey), soit ils décident de s'affronter ne sachant si l'autre peut-être fiable (comme Dark Souls ou DayZ). Ca apporterait une tension supplémentaire à la façon d'aborder le jeu et quelque chose de très différent de tous les rogue like.

Mais bon pour l'instant on a peu de détails sur tout ça. C'est surtout pour le fantasme.


Je vous ai déjà dit à quel point j'attendais ce jeu ?


La dernière (courte) vidéo n'apporte pas grand chose si ce n'est "wao", comme d'hab.


Qu'on me cryogénise d'ici la sortie du titre bon sang :xfou:


Jouable pour la première fois à la Pax East le 11 avril à Boston :

On devrait avoir des premiers retours mais pas les miens. Pourquoi c'est si cher le billet jusqu'à Boston ?


Y'aura aussi Darkest Dungeon en jouable  :(fou:


ALERTE ! 36 000 personnes seulement ont vu le dernier trailer de Below, c'est scandaleux.

Réparez moi ça illico :o

La fin  :hein: :ouch: :bave2: